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Accounting Digital from Balmer-Etienne

A Balmer-Etienne survey revealed that around 80% of fiduciaries currently want to transform themselves digitally. However, for most of them, implementation is proving extremely difficult as they do not know how and where to start.

We look back with pride on our own successful digital transformation over the last 5 years. We want you to benefit from our experience too. We support fiduciaries and SMEs in the creation and implementation of digital strategies and actively guide you through your own digital transformation.

If required, you can benefit from our self-developed Treuhand Digital solution. Treuhand Digital offers a comprehensive solution in the areas of intelligent information management, digitalisation of internal fiduciary processes, future-oriented collaboration with clients and an accounting solution with a high degree of automation.

Find out more in 2 minutes about how you can achieve significant internal efficiency gains and generate added value for your clients:

Digitalisation – our services

Development of the digitalisation strategy for trust companies

  • Advice and support for trust companies during the digital transformation and definition of a digitalisation strategy
  • Situation analysis of the company (services, organisation, employees, strategic orientation, etc.)
  • Idea generator and sparring partner with extensive experience in the fiduciary sector
  • Definition of strategic directions for digitalisation and digital transformation

Development of new trust products and income streams

  • Products and income analysis (portfolio analysis)
  • Development of new products
  • Development of marketing strategy
  • Development of employee strategy

Implementation of digitalisation strategy and support for digital transformation

  • Professional and technical implementation
  • Support with the introduction of applications - e.g. intelligent information management system (ECM) M-Files as a digitalisation layer, CRM, accounting software

Change management

  • Coaching management and employees
  • Support with change management

Accounting Digital - your benefits

Highly efficient digital office organisation

Realisation of a paperless and location-independent office
Electronic mail and integrated task management
Full text search thanks to OCR recognition
Administration is massively simplified
Significant time savings possible

Innovative collaboration with customers

Standardised joint processing procedures: Accounts payable, expenses, contract management
Personnel file, entry/exit process (from July 2021)
Freely expandable
Joint task management
Sharing documents with customers without data redundancy
APP function for e.g. vendor validation

Document management

Fully integrated document management system
Freely selectable document classification
No complex folder structures and document searches
Enrichment with metadata possible
No more data redundancies
Storage of all data (incl. e-mail)

Workflow management

Every fiduciary process can be mapped digitally and individually
Integrated, easy-to-use workflow generator
Gain time and quality with standardised workflows
Optimisation of compliance processes

Legally compliant archiving

Legally compliant storage, including with procedural documentation
Internal trust documents
Customer documents
Long-term archiving with PDF/A format
Expensive and inefficient physical archives disappear


Simple handling with WEB-Accounting
For INFONIQA trustees, all accounting applications are standardised with the M-Files ECM system
The connection can be made for other accounting software
Accounting system and ECM can be used jointly by the trustee but also by the clients
ECM system as an innovation factor in accounting

Compliance with data protection regulations

Strong user authentication
Central allocation of authorisations
Data protection provisions of new data protection law can be implemented
Optimisation of compliance processes

May we help you further?

  • André Egli


    Swiss Certified Fiduciary

  • Dejan Przulj


    MScBA in Business Development and Promotion, BSc HSLU in Business Administration

  • Daniel Schnider


    Master Professional veb.ch in Accounting

  • Bianca Pauger

    Bianca Pauger

    BSc HSLU in Business Administration, Fiduciary

  • Marc Haldimann

    Marc Haldimann

    Master Professional veb.ch in Accounting

  • Jeannette Ming-De Pretto

    Ming-De Pretto

    MAS FH in Fiduciary and Management Consulting, Swiss Certified Fiduciary

Treuhand Digital

SME and Accounting Digital from Balmer-Etienne is based on:

Logo Infoniqa


  • Accounting software
  • Brand leader in integrated accounting systems
  • 36 000 SME customers in Switzerland
  • 13,000 employees worldwide
  • On the market for over 30 years

Infoniqa ONE 50 - The standard in Swiss accounting.

5 reasons in favour of Infoniqa ONE 50:

  1. The standard for accounting in Swiss SMEs
  2. Simple collaboration with trustees in the cloud
  3. Strong in practice: used by 36,000 Swiss SMEs and 2,400 fiduciaries
  4. Expandable with over 1,000 software solutions from various sectors
  5. We accompany you at all times with training and support
Logo M Files


  • Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
  • Leading provider of ECM software
  • Over 8,000 customers worldwide, and growing
  • In the Swiss market for over 10 years

M-Files - Utilise the power, reduce the complexity. Across industries, enterprise content management (ECM) systems bring business information resources under control and provide authorised users with intuitive and fast access to these resources. However, convenience and security are just the beginning. The right and fundamental ECM solution can make it possible to significantly optimise workflow management and business process management activities.

Logo BWO

BWO Systems AG

  • Leading Swiss IT specialist
  • IT general contractor
  • 48 employees in Schenkon
  • In the market for over 25 years
Logo Balmer Etienne

Balmer-Etienne AG

  • Specialist in accounting, auditing and advisory
  • Leading trust company in Switzerland
  • 125 employees, around 50 of whom work in fiduciary services
  • In the market for over 70 years