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We give you security regarding your annual financial statements and create individual and practical assessments of the opportunities and risks in your financial reporting. Our services are based on a holistic approach.

We analyse and interpret the facts and notify you of the measures that need to be taken as a result. Regardless of whether you keep your company’s accounts in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations (CO), the Accounting and Reporting Recommendations (SWISS GAAP FER) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS): Our audit approach is based on the Swiss auditing standards (PS) and the International Standards on Auditing (ISA). As a state-supervised audit company, we have the highest possible accreditation. We are also affiliated with the international network of Urbach Hacker Young (UHY).

Our services

MG 3146 Bearbeitet web

Statutory audits

Discover all of the services we offer for statutory audits.

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Voluntary audit

We conduct further audits and related services for specific stakeholder groups on a contractual basis and with an effect of trust.

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Internal audits

In outsourcing, we assume the function of internal auditors.

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Other services

We offer you a wide range of other audit-related services.

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BE Themen Lesen Brille RGB

Head of audit

  • Alois Köchli


    Business economist FH, Swiss Certified Public Accountant