Company law
We support you with company formation, organisation, general meetings and liquidations.
Contact our expertsCompany law is a core competence of Balmer-Etienne. Be it at the foundation of the company, in optimal organisation, in the legally compliant convening of the general assembly, during a necessary restructuring or at a liquidation – we advise and mentor you with a high level of expertise, efficiently and with an eye for the essentials. Here, you benefit from our interdisciplinary experience. If issues arise in the areas of taxes, finances or accounting, for example, in addition to the legal challenges, the specialists from these other special areas will be incorporated in consulting for a holistic assessment of the case.
What is company law?
Strictly speaking, Swiss company law is concerned with the legal framework conditions for companies, in particular the general partnership, the company limited by shares (AG), the limited liability companies (LLG), the cooperative and the association.
In a broader sense, company law covers all legal issues and questions in conjunction with entrepreneurial activity. Business law or commercial law are also often discussed.
In addition to the limited group of companies, our advisory services are also concerned with all the other possible corporate and legal forms. Thus, for example, we also mentor sole proprietorships or advise our clients in purely contractual mergers and cooperations. Our clients also appreciate our comprehensive knowledge and experience in the area of the law on foundations.

Balmer-Etienne services in company law
We provide comprehensive advisory services in company law (and in a broader sense in business law and commercial law). The focus is on the following subject areas:
- Foundation of companies
- Capital increases/reduction of share capital/capital spread according to the revised law on companies limited by shares
- Organisation of companies (regulations/articles of association)
- Personnel changes
- Restructuring (mergers/divisions/conversions/transfers of assets)
- Relocations/establishment of companies in Switzerland
- Setup of branch offices
- Organisation and convening of general assemblies/board of directors meetings
- Restructuring/reorganisations/liquidations
- Advisory services for shareholders, boards of directors and executive boards with regard to their rights and obligations
- Creation of shareholders’ agreements/joint ventures/cooperations
- Trade law (supply agreements/distribution agreements/e-commerce)
- Corporate transactions (M&A)
- Succession planning
- Corporate housekeeping/adherence to statutory and regulatory obligations
- Corporate governance
- Risk & Compliance
- External legal service for companies
- Advisory services in conjunction with the new law on companies limited by shares (in force since 1 January 2023)